Thursday, November 6, 2008

Nellie Spotted at Marxist Rally!

After another enthralling day in the classroom (it doesn't get better than pedagogical theory on adult education) we decided to let off some steam, hit up the local watering holes on Capitol Hill, and watch a little federal election unwind. Needless to say, it was a damn good night - props to Ohio, Virginia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. The beer-soaked extravaganza culminated with us and hundreds of other terrorist sympathizers raging on the corner of Pike and Broadway into the wee hours of the night. Just in case the revelry had been forgotten by this morning, the Seattle Times published the above picture featuring Miss Entrikin (or her strikingly similar doppelganger) on its front page - Obama and Zooface sharing major real estate on Seattle's "most trusted" news source. I am currently learning to cope with being the unknown loser boyfriend of a celebrity...


Luke S said...

I will be checking this blog daily. please keep it up to date. See you in Turkey this summer. Is it cool if I still bring my gf jenny? cool.

Aaaamy said...

Oh surely you are in the photo, Gavin! Isn't that you with the scraggly beard, the black and white striped shirt, and the coffee-shop-shmoe hat? a little to left? :)